"Amanda laoshi, which means 'teacher' in Chinese, is one who teaches class with joy and creativity. She pays great attention to a student's needs in learning Chinese and implements it by personalising assignments. Classes given by Amanda are never dull, as she teaches with logic and creativity. Furthermore, her cheerful and down-to-earth persona is the cherry on top. When she used to teach me, I was in a class with mixed grades. Ages of students in this class ranged from 7 to near 20. Teaching such a class was certainly not easy, but it was fairly balanced. Her ability to do this is surely nothing less than commendable. In short, Amanda is a very special teacher to have, as she teaches Chinese with passion and she does her utmost best to help each student's individual progress in learning Chinese." - M.L, Research Analyst at Amsterdam UMC "'因材施教'还不足以表达我对您的评价! 相遇您在华人中文学校。那时的孩子才四岁半,作为母亲的自己,充满了焦虑。是您,开启了孩子学习中文的动力;是您,让孩子敢于上台写他自己的名字(虽然写的是英文 😂 );是您,让我的孩子敢于开始简单的介绍他自己,对于一个内向又害羞的孩子来讲,是一个很大的进步;是您,慢慢消除了我的焦虑,再一次表示感谢!! 相识您在新冠病毒期间。因为疫情肆虐,我们停工,学校停课,打乱了大家原有的生活轨迹,而您每周一次的家庭作业,让我们原先停下来的课又重新上路,也因为您的坚持不懈,让我们在学习中文的道路上没有停下来。 相知您在景云学塾 😊 。经由对孩子的观察(孩子的学习能力,孩子的中文水平,孩子的性情,孩子上课的活跃度…),您制定一些适合他的学习资料与方式方法。每次,您在上课前一周将课上的学习资料发给我,并发语音跟我解释,生怕遗漏了什么;上完课您也是及时反馈上课的情况,并根据孩子的各方面情况进行调整。您总是在追寻在琢磨怎样才能让孩子更好发挥自己。看到孩子从刚开始的局促不安到现在在您面前的放飞自我,这是一种比学到一个新词汇还要让我们感到骄傲的事。您教的不只是一个知识点,您教的是一种文化、一种品质。谢谢您每次倾听我的唠叨,谢谢您让我的孩子一次又一次的突破!" - Z.T.T,育有二子一女。坐标:Amsterdam "(EN) Miss Amanda is a very passionate and dedicated teacher. Each lesson is crafted to cater the needs of different individuals, her lessons are very playful, fruitful and thoughtful. My boy has been exposed to different topics which he can apply to what he has learned in his daily life. After the lessons, I received helpful notes to summarise the kids learning and links of resources to ensure he is learning in an effective way. Also, she considers learning Chinese is not only just to learn a language, but also to broaden the knowledge of a kids mind into different aspects. Additionally, her lesson materials are available online or in hardcopies, including effective techniques on exactly how to do well in every component of Chinese learning. As a parent, I am grateful my son has such a good teacher. She is patient and offers her students a comfortable environment to learn and explore new things around us. I am sure that under her guidance, every student will be able to achieve more than they believe they actually could. (CN)Amanda老师是一位对教育充满热情的老师。她的课针对不同学生的心性和需要而精心设计。在她的指导下,我的孩子接触过不同的主题,并将他学到的知识应用到日常生活当中。每次课后,我都会收到一份教学反馈,总结孩子的学习情况以及相关资源链接。在老师看来,学习汉语不仅仅是为了学习一门语言,更是为帮助孩子们了解不同的思维方式以增广见闻,拓宽多方面的智识。 除此之外,她的课程笔记还包括不同的学习技巧,让父母们以更有效的方式在课后帮助自己的孩子。 作为家长,我十分感激能结识这样一位老师。她很有耐心,为她的学生打造良好的学习氛围,鼓励学生探索周遭的新事物。我相信在她的引导下,每个学生都能以有趣的方式学习中文并超越自我预期。" - M.Wong,育有二子。坐标:Amsterdam "如果对中医了解一些的人,可能会对中医'表’和'里’的因果关系有所了解。 假如可以把孩子学习中文这个问题,用'表’和'里’的关系来分析,对于在国内长大的孩子来说,学习中文的'里’是自然天成的,故此'表’就顺理成章了。但对于成长在海外的孩子,生活的大部分环境都被异域的语言和文化所环绕,思维方式和人生观点都远离中华文化,'里’无可立,'表’又焉附? 我没有机会直接观摩嘉兰老师给孩子上课的实况,但多次与她线上交流,也听了几次她针对家长的分享课,谨做如下总结:先从孩子的角度出发,挖掘内在动因,保护、引发、提升孩子的学习兴趣和动力;其次因材施教且寓教于乐,让孩子享受学习中文的乐趣;再高一个层次就是能够理解华人思维方式中的精华所在,体会中华文化的博大精深,最终能够与所处文化融会贯通,将所学运用于日常点滴当中。如果可以用八个字概况的话,那就是:'表里兼顾,标本兼治。’" - Y.B,育有一女。坐标:Frankfurt