INTRODUCTION "The aim of education is to enable individuals to continue their education... the object and reward of learning is continued capacity for growth." - John Dewey As a teacher and an awakener, I believe that every student is complete, curious, purposeful, significant, worthy of praise, willing to explore new things and to grow. I enjoy sharing knowledge and experience, providing guidance and support when necessary and growing with my students together in learning as well as in life. 景云学塾招生范围 孩童 CHILDREN ∙ 4 – 6岁为主,生活在尼德兰(荷兰)及其它欧洲国家地区的孩童 ∙ 能静能动,动静相宜 ∙ 孩童身边的成年人具备较为长远的眼光、开阔的心胸以及一颗能够坦诚面对自我、愿意不断完善自我与成长的心 成人 ADULTS ∙ 视野开阔 ∙ 有好奇心 ∙ 态度认真 学塾孩童成员的学习成长目标 ∙ 中文普通话学习(多一种语言,多一种观看自我与世界的角度和方式) ∙ 启发思维,培养自我探索能力(融会贯通的学习力) ∙ 观察力、体悟力、感知力、想象力、口头表达能力、动手能力 老师针对孩童成员的教学方法 ∙ 启发式教学 + 现象式教学 + 引导学生自主学习 ∙ 基础中文课以一对一教学为主 ∙ 因材施教、教学相长。景云学塾强调与家长之间紧密合作,共同找寻最适合孩童个体的学习方式,并鼓励家长与孩童一同成长。